Wow, this week has been a whirlwind!! Not that it has been any busier than usual, but for some reason my head is more cloudy than normal for a Friday night. I honestly think the weather has a LOT to do with it...its been hotter than heck here.... HOT just about everywhere around the USA. I even saw that it has been over 100' for 39 days straight in Tucson, AZ. Times like these make me glad I didn't move back there after college! Anyway, I start my day sooooo early and by the time I get to work it is absolutely miserable in my classroom. Too hot to think (or teach much!) So I am wiped out by the time I am off, and then I usually have something else going on to keep me busy and up late at night.
So what have I been up to the past few days???
**Went to visit my niece at the hospital again on Thursday. I am just so in love with her!! She was finally awake so I got to see her beautiful big blue eyes. I swear she looks just like Brian, but Michelle's family think she looks like her. I say, well Brian and Michelle kind of look alike, so it isn't that surprising! Here is a picture of Annika with Grandpa ( my dad!) They come home tomorrow.
**We said goodbye to Techmobius on Thursday afternoon. Techmobius is a 6 ft x 5 ft painting done by an extremely talented artist, Chris Peterson, who happens to be the good friend of a friend of ours. Erick bought the painting from another guy he knows sometime last year, and later come to find out it was done by Chris. He had heard Chris was interested in buying the painting back for sentimental was his first-ever painting, created in 1994. Erick and Chris talked and Chris offered to paint a new painting to replace Techmobius. He brought the new painting over on Thursday and left with Tech. The cool thing about the new painting is that it is similar to Tech and was created especially for Erick. We think it is pretty cool! The original idea behind Techmobius is that he is a DJ, spinning records like crazy, hence all the arms!! No, he is NOT an octopus, but does resemble one!
The top painting is Techmobius, the 2nd is the new one (not yet named).
**Went shopping with Sonja on Thursday night. We bought stuff for a project that will be uniquely displayed next weekend at Mary's bachelorette. Can't spill the beans just in case Mary happens to read this, but it isn't that big of a deal, just something cute for me, Mary Sonja and Kim. Ooh la la
**Went shopping with Susan Friday afternoon after work. She recently moved about 5 miles away from me, so we went to lunch and I took her on a tour of the town.....first stop? Archivers!. I was really impressed to see that they FINALLY had many of my favorite name-brand papers.... KI memories, Basic Grey, Junkitz, NRN Designs, and lots more. I showed some restraint and spent less than usual! We also went to a darling little store downtown White Bear Lake called The Gathering. Lots of stamping and scrap supplies there and TONS of cute gifts, home furnishings, etc. Bought a very cute necklace for myself and one as a gift for Michelle. Susan is such an enabler!!! We had fun though and will be hanging out again soon...probably to scrap!
**Over half-way done with Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. I have been staying up much later than I should to try to get through this great book! It is pretty exciting....I have heard there are many "twists and turns" throughout the 2nd half....I can't wait to keep reading! It is so comforting to know that there are so many other Harry Potter geeks like me out there! I would never have gotten into them if I hadn't started reading them to my 7-8th graders so many years ago when I first started teaching. I know there are a lot of people out there who have never read Harry Potter and have something against him (even E is a HP Hater), but don't knock it until you've tried it!
** Had to make yet another new banner....these are definitely my colors! Love the way it turned out :) Maye I'll keep this one a little longer, who knows!?
Im coming to visit. I want to go to Archivers too :) Thats so cool that you got to hang out with Susan! She seems sooo cool!! :)
Congrats also about becoming Aunt Kristi!! :) She is absolutely gorgeous... cant wait to see more photos! :) What a darling name too! :)
Posted by: Hillary | July 23, 2005 at 08:05 AM
I had so much fun on Friday, Kristi!!! We *must* do it again, soon!!! Love the paintings too, they are both verrrry cool - you were so nice to "return" the painting to the artist... :)
Posted by: Susan | July 24, 2005 at 09:07 PM
Love the new banner!
Posted by: nic | July 25, 2005 at 10:32 AM