We've been back to school for a week now....this means summer is officially over. Things have been going okay at work....I have done an interesting activity with my 5-6th grade classes as a "get to know you" activity....I made students think of things they have done before that they think no one else in the class has done... and I've made my own list. These are things off the top of my head that I have done that I don't think any of you have ever done! Please let me know if you HAVE done any of these things, then go create your own list of things that only YOU have done and post it on your Blogs!!
- Been to Mexico 20 times
- Driven a classic Corvette every day in the summer
- Lived on an Indian Reservation
- Bred Leopard geckos
- Camped in the mountains in January
- Walked across the Mississippi River
- Broke my elbow
- Visited Ground Zero a few months after 9/11
- Dressed up as a Mensa Brainiac for Halloween
- Had a pretend wedding in Ele. school...complete with gifts and treats
- Rented a limo to look at Christmas lights
- Bought a Rock Star a drink
- Ran a mile in 6 minutes (YEARS ago!)
- Went to Vegas for New Years Eve, 1999
- Lived in a Haunted dorm room
- Studied flute with an orchestra member in 2nd grade
- Put my tooth through my lip
- Walked 4 miles in high heels
- Encountered a pack of coyotes while walking in the desert
- Had a cow that belonged to someone else in my front yard
And to close, here is a collage of some of my favorite summer photos:
Hi there! Great list...let's see...I have done 2 of those things on your list...I was in Las Vegas on New Year's Eve in 1999! And I have bought a Rock Star drink. :)
Posted by: amber | September 09, 2005 at 12:01 PM
I have been to Vegas for New Years eve 2002. But you have done way more cool stuff than me.
Posted by: Muriel (marielos03 @ 2peas) | September 09, 2005 at 05:14 PM
Ha! I've not only done one of your list...I've done three!
I visited Groud Zero only weeks after 9/11 and many, many time since.
I have camped in the mountains of NJ along the Appalachian trail 4 times in January and twice in February.
My freshman year dorm room was haunted. Each time we had a thunderstorm we would wake in the middle of the night to find our door swining open, (and yes, we always locked it because it would not stay closed by itself and no, neither of us was a sleepwalker). Creepy!!!
Posted by: Jen | September 09, 2005 at 11:37 PM
Just catching up on your blog. I am loving that summer collage!
Posted by: Lindsay | September 11, 2005 at 02:49 PM