BFF. Do any of you remember writing that in notes to your best friends back in Jr. High? I had many BFF back in the day but somehow these girls are the ones that have stuck around as my BFF ever since. Mary, Kim, Sonja and Lanee. We were all able to get together for dinner of Thursday with just a few days notice....Italian at Donatelli's Rest.
Its hard to believe that this was the first time us five girls were together all at once since Mary's wedding. And that was four month ago now! We have all been busy with either work, school, wedding planning or babies. I feel like I have missed so much with the babies in the past few months. Chase and Angelina are almost 10 months old now! Our group has lots of birthday s in the next two months:Mariah (Dec 6), Roger (Jan 23) Mary's(Jan 30), Taylor (Feb 3), Mine (Feb 11th), Lanee's (Feb 14)Chase (Feb 15)and Angelina's (Feb 18). We'll be seeing each other several times that month, as we usually celebrate all of the birthdays individually. This is me with Sonja's baby, Angelina. Her smile will absolutely melt your heart! Too bad she wouldn't smile in this pic...but at least she was looking!
This is Mary's baby Chase...not smiling for the camera either! Whats with these babies?? He has her big blue eyes!
And here is Kim with Taylor, Mary's daughter. Taylor is great at hammin it up for the camera! These babies will learn a thing or teo from her in just a few short years, I am sure! lol
Here Lanee's got Angelina (her niece...she is Sonja's sister in case you didn't know!) and Kimmy is holding Chase. Its nearly impossible to get two babies that age to look at you and smile on cue. Darn! I really wanted to get a good one of the two of them together.
It was nice to see my girls! I hope to make lots of plans with all my friends over Christmas break. I get two fulls weeks plus Monday Jan 2 off from the rugrats at work. Yay!!!!!! I cannot wait to get scrappin again!
I remember BFF!! How about LYLAS? Love Ya Like A Sister!?!
Posted by: Adrienne | December 03, 2005 at 10:50 PM