Ahhh, the past few days have been a blur. A blur because I have been out having fun and not getting enough sleep for like the past 4 nights now! Before I post a million pics, I feel like I need to apologize to a few friends who have been neglected lately......Lindsay T, sorry I didn't e-mail you on your b-day....please see tag below :) Keith, sorry I haven't called you back. Bradie, we will try to connect or at least talk in the next few days. Susan, dinner next week works for me if you have time before your big European vacation. Aunt Patti in AZ, sorry I haven't responded to your e-mail. Jenny, I have been meaning to call you. I could probably go on and on!
***Now that that has been said, lets move on to the fun stuff... Kara's bachelorette party was a ton of fun! We had a personal shower for her at a hotel in Stillwater with tons of food and drinks. At around 10pm the Coach Limo came to get our group of 14-15 girls and we went to the Freight House for a few. Ran in to my girls Jesse and Sarah (and their husbands) out there, so that was fun! The limo then took us to Myth Nightclub where we had a prime VIP area overlooking the stage complete with our own waiter, bottles of booze and a mini keg. I think everyone had a jolly good time drinking all that liquor! We ran into some people from highschool, Billy and Trina, who were out celebrating after their wedding reception earlier that night with a bunch of other people we know. Congrats to them for tying the knot after 9-10 years! Here are some pics from the night.....
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***I wasn't feeling too hot on Sunday, so stayed on the couch and read an old book by Janet Evanovich, Full House. Kind of a cute story....not as good as Stephanie Plum books though. Later that evening our friends Rusty and Alex came over with their baby, 3 week-old Kylie Lynn Marie. She is pretty sweet! And yes, I seriously have about 20-30 babies in my life. Its crazy!
***Here is a big shout-out to my girl Lindsay T for her b-day!!!!!!! I hope you has a fabulous day! Did you see your birthday thread at 2Peas on Saturday!? Hope so! xoxoxox
***I also forgot to post this layout I did almost two weeks ago of me and Jenny. This is the first and only layout that has gotten some "new paper" love. I am loving this new Basic Grey. Can't wait to find some time to work on a whole lot more cute layouts of my fun times of late! The Bohemia line by MME is calling to me...
***Speaking of scrapping, I have been closely following the Dares' Last Scrapper Standing competition. WOW. Blown away by all the amazing talent and effort of all the girls who entered that baby. I couldn't possibly pick or predict a winner because the work is ALL amazing!! I was totally disappointed and shocked that my Scrapjazz girls Christina P and Kelli J were eliminated after the 3rd and 3.5th rounds. Their stuff totally rocked!
***Muchas Gracias for all the nice comments about my sassy new hair. Even E likes it! Hopefully I can work on a banner and new color scheme this week...this blog is ready for a change again!
***I visited with Lanee on Saturday afternoon after I got my hair done. Her surgery went okay and she is doing pretty good, but has a lot of pain. She showed me some of her final wedding stuff....only 6 or 7 weeks away! I cannot wait for our girls weekend up North in September.
***I am back at work. Met some staff at my new school. Going to be a very busy week getting ready for school to start next Tuesday. We are also looking forward to a visit from Erick's cousins Dana (Kevin) and Jasmine this upcoming weekend. That means we will get to go back to the State Fair this weekend when they are here!
WOW girl! Glad you had a good time!!!
Posted by: Adrienne | August 29, 2006 at 08:30 AM
Dang...that looks like quite the party! :)
How FUN!
Posted by: sarah | August 29, 2006 at 11:26 AM
Those pics look fabulous!! you and the girls look like you had a really good time!! Love your hair by the way, it looks awesome!!
Posted by: Valerie | August 29, 2006 at 12:46 PM
Hey! I went dark brown and copper for the fall too. Great minds.
Love the layout, love that you are having fun!
Glad I stopped by your blog today :)
Posted by: Jen | August 30, 2006 at 03:26 PM
oh my word... you did not just post ANOTHER new baby? LOL. She's a doll. A. Dor.A. Ble.
Posted by: nic | September 05, 2006 at 09:18 PM