Another new banner and color scheme....hope noone gets sick of the constant changes here! I love tigers and thought this white one was just gorgeous :)
I also designed this banner for Trina :)
Making these banners is something I have been enjoying lately, as you can tell! I thought I would make an album for my banners so you could check out all the ones I've had over the past 20 months that I have been blogging. Click on the thumbnails to see the entire banner. A couple of them were designed by Nicole...she also does a fabulous job of designing banners!
Now that I have gotten the fun stuff out of the way, time for the not-so-fun stuff. Yesterday was the day I had to spend 3 hours at the hospital to have the ultrasound/biopsy of the lump on my thyroid. The procedure was not fun at all. First I had to have an ultrasound of the tyroid so they could see how big the lump is, measure it, take pictures, etc. This took a good 30-45 minutes, but was kind of relaxing. They found 3 lumps on the right side and one on the left as well, all were bigger than 1cm. This meant getting biopsies on both sides. Unfortunately they need to stick a big needle all the way in there a minimum 3 times for each lump, just to make sure they got enough cells to test. I was stuck a good 10-15 times. Good thing I have a high tolerance of pain! All last night it really hurt to swallow, cough, yawn, etc. Still hurts today, but not as bad. My thyroid is really stinkin swollen now too :( We should get the results of the biopsy next Wed and we will know what the next step is then. The good news is that only 10% of these are cancerous and even if they are, it is almost always curable. So I really have nothing to worry about, right!? I have to admit I was feeling a little sorrry for myself last night, but I woke up with a much better attitude today. I'm going to be fine. Thanks to everyone who has been thinking/praying for me :)
Wanted to give a birthday shout-out to my girl Raina today, Happy Birthday!!!!
Thanks for commenting on my blog. LOL. I'm terrible to lurk...I read so many blogs, that its hard to find time to comment on all of them. *grin* I hope the biopsies turn out okay. And I like the banners. =)
Posted by: faith | January 13, 2007 at 09:30 PM
Hopefully everything turns out OK, but either way we'll be there for you!
Posted by: Jeff | January 15, 2007 at 09:58 AM
grrrr baby grrrrr...
Needles...yuck! I had to hold my neck and read this. Fingers crossed for you, making it very hard to type. LOL
Posted by: simone | January 15, 2007 at 10:18 AM
Hey... I hope everything is ok. Let me know if you need anything!! xoxo
Posted by: Dana | January 15, 2007 at 10:32 AM
I love your new banner Kristi! You make fabulous ones too. Sorry to hear about the biopsy stuff...been there myself and I know and feel that pain you talk about. I know it will turn out okay for you.
Posted by: lesfitz | January 15, 2007 at 11:52 AM
oh kristi...
you are still in my prayers girl!
that biopsy did not sound fun! :(
Posted by: sarah | January 15, 2007 at 12:08 PM
Love the new banner and hope all turns out well with the biopsies. Hope your pain eases too!!
Posted by: Krystyn | January 15, 2007 at 01:09 PM
I love the Tiger banner! :) I love Tigers as well.
I sure hope your biopsies come out okay Kristi.
Posted by: Julie | January 15, 2007 at 02:11 PM
Hi Kristi,
I wanted to know if you could tell me how you made the video montage of your Christmas Eve pics and what software you used. I would be most appreciative =)
Thanks and hope you feel better!
Posted by: Glynnis | January 15, 2007 at 03:44 PM
I pray that everything turn out alright Kristi! I had a lump on my parathyroid that I ended up having to have surgery for about 5 years ago. The tests and biopsies are NOT fun. Take care!
Posted by: Rolana | January 15, 2007 at 05:17 PM
so glad everything went ok keep us updated. love your new banner
Posted by: Greta | January 16, 2007 at 12:48 PM