I had a nice, relaxing weekend (I think I already mentioned that in the last post?). I went to dinner with my neighbors on Saturday night and then I sat on the sofa for the next 5 hours and watched Little Miss Sunshine and Walk the Line. Both good movies!
Since I don't have any great pictures or stories to share about my weekend, I thought I'd give ya some random battle wound stories about me. This is a true testament of how accident prone I am.....
**When I was three years old, I put my tooth through my lip while jumping on the bed at the cabin. I have an ugly scar on my lower lip now.
**Walked over hot bbq coals when I was 4 and burned the crap out of the bottoms of my feet
**Broke my arm at school while sledding in 3rd grade
**Tore my hamstring doing gymnastics moves without stretching when I was in 6th grade
**Got a major hemotoma the size of a baseball during a soccer game in 7th grade (some biotch kicked me right in the shin with the bottom of her cleats). The bruise/lump lasted 6 months.
**Slammed my finger inside my mom's sewing machine in 7th grade. Had to have a hole drilled into my nail to release the pressure
And I have REALLY BAD LUCK in recent years when it comes to stairs!!!
**Missed the bottom stair while going down into my basement in the dark and sprained my ankle Sept 2002
**Tripped over uneven pavement in the dark in Tucson and sprained my left wrist (nearly broke it) April 2003. Sucked that it was my first night of vacation!!
**Turned around too fast in my garage while wearing high heels and started falling to the cement....instead of putting my wrist out to stop myself like I did in the incident above, I did a stunt roll and ended up busting my left elbow Dec 2003
**Fell down the stairs at a Halloween party and majorly bruised my foot. Oct 2004. This is the only one I have pictures of!
And these are just the ones that were preventable!!!! I'm not even going to get into all my other injuries that were sustained after I was hit by the drunk driver in 1994. I'll save that list for another day.
Posted by: Adrienne | April 16, 2007 at 04:36 PM
good googly moo girl...i hurt just reading all your wounds :0)
Posted by: Greta | April 16, 2007 at 07:55 PM
Ouch -that is one awfully painful looking foot!!
Posted by: Krystyn | April 17, 2007 at 12:11 AM
Makes me think of that quote, "That which doesn't kill us makes us stronger." Oy!
Posted by: LesleMora | April 17, 2007 at 09:45 AM