I thought this speech was amazing :)
I usually avoid politics as much as possible, but this year I am excited. Excited to see the change that Obama is going to deliver as our next President. If you haven't seen this speech, it is worth the 45 minutes....
His speech was AMAZING!!!
Posted by: adrienne | September 01, 2008 at 05:23 PM
I agree his speech was AMAZING!!!! He's such an awesome speaker!
Posted by: Rolana | September 04, 2008 at 01:11 AM
I watched every second of it the night of and got the chills so many times. I love that man! I think we so desperately need what I know he can do! I have to share, since you're a fan, and I am an out numbered Democrat in a state full of Republicans. (Grrr.) I got to see him speak at Arizona State last year. It was awesome!! He is SO GOOD. What an orator. A total inspiration. I was standing there in this crowd of students (an awesome turnout) on a beautiful day. I actually tears coming down my face because I was so moved. I can't wait for the first debate between him and McCain on the 26th. I'd have you over to watch it if you weren't so far away! :)
Posted by: Samara | September 18, 2008 at 09:29 AM