Wanted to share a couple of fun sites that allow you to work with Flickr Images. These sites are all a lot of fun!
1. FlickrStorm- This website is a search engine for Flickr that comes up with a thumbnail mosaic of popular images for your search term. Click on any image and it takes you directly to that photo on Flickr. Here is one I did using the word "barn".
2. Multicolr Search Lab- This is another Flickr search engine, but it searches for images based on custom color combos. Just pick the colors you want (up to 10) and it matches photos to your colors. Here are some examples I did
3. Stumble Upon Earth Album- This site works between Google Maps and Flickr- Just click anywhere on the map and you will see the most popular images highlighting that place. Here is one I did on Egypt
4. Big Huge Labs Mosaic Maker- This site pulls photos that are saved as your favorites on Flickr and then you can make various-sized mosaics, and they even give links to the photo credits! (Yes, I have a variety of favorites saved on Flickr, as evidenced by this eclectic mosaic!)
1. J-Juice, 2. Space?, 3. West Hawaii Sunset-Dec 2007, 4. Magma Blast and Electric Lightning Bolt Within a Lava Plume ~ Island of Hawaii, 5. Waimea Canyon, Kauai, Hawaii, 6. Diamond Head, Oahu, Hawaii, 7. Hawaii Sea Turtle, 8. White Hibiscus of Hawaii, 9. sunset at lake Vänern, 10. minneapolis skyline, 11. pink flower petals, 12. pink flower 1, 13. Watchful Bear, 14. Mom with comfy Twins, 15. IMG_1071-01, 16. PolarBear.jpg
AWESOME! I've never used Flickr... maybe I need to start.
Posted by: Ang | November 12, 2008 at 08:32 AM
Cool! I'm gonna try those out.
Posted by: LesleMora | November 12, 2008 at 10:22 AM
Oooh, fun apps. Thanks for sharing!
Posted by: anne | November 12, 2008 at 01:47 PM
It is SO COOL that you took the time to post this. Thank you! I have marked this post in my favorites so I can refer to it when I need a reference in that department. You rock!
Posted by: Samara Link | November 17, 2008 at 08:33 AM