Did anybody watch any of the shows during Armageddon Week on the History Channel? Crazy stuff, huh?? So many different ancient cultures all predicting major devastation to our planet and our species in December of the year 2012. Scary stuff!
Without meaning to sound pessimistic, I am curious what you think about Doomsday. Does thinking about it scare the $%^&* out of you? Do you believe it is possible that something will happen beginning in 2012 or do you refuse to buy into any of these prophecies?
There are many signs that are already starting to surface, I guess only time will tell??!!
Other TFT posts this week:
Denise in Utah on reasons why you blog
Well, I haven't watched it, but I refuse to believe in such a thing. Not because I'm fearful of it, but because I just don't think it will happen.
Posted by: Michelle | January 15, 2009 at 12:51 PM
I'm not as convinced as you that nothing will happen or change. Maybe 2012
is just the date that things will really start to get bad. Who knows what
the next 4 years have in store!
Posted by: Kristi S (sweetsauer) | January 15, 2009 at 01:13 PM
My husband I talked about this just a little while ago. I believe that our planet is evolving as it always has but I don't think that anything catastrophic is going to happen in 2012. Just look at how many predictions have failed is in the last hundred years.
I do think that we all need to be prepared in our own homes with a food storage, water, first aid and so on.. But mainly for things like tornados, storms, hurricanes, earthquakes and so on...
Although over time our planet is going to change. If we are able to adapt to the climate and evolution changes then we will still be here if not then I guess we wil see.
Posted by: Denise H. | January 15, 2009 at 01:24 PM
Running out of food and water is the biggest concern I have also, in case
something bad does happen.
Posted by: Kristi S (sweetsauer) | January 15, 2009 at 01:37 PM
I believe something catastrophic can happen . . . but at any moment. I don't believe anyone can predict the future to the point that they can without ANY doubt say precisely when a major natural event will occur . . . unless they cause the event themselves . . . but then that wouldn't be natural.
I believe we can trust science to suggest probabilities for the future, rather than theologians and/or soothsayers who share predictions based on I don't know what.
And these things don't frighten me because Doomsday prophecies have probably existed since humans could think. And there have been plenty of misses and questionable "hits". I think these predictions will carry on until the end of our species. But, of course, I can't say for sure . . . because I know for a fact that I cannot predict the future.
Posted by: LesleMora | January 15, 2009 at 04:48 PM
I don't think 2012 will bring an end to our world. I haven't watched any of the stuff because I don't believe it. In all honesty, IF 2012 is the end of the world as we know it, then so be it. We've done a fantastic job of destroying our planet, so do we really deserve to keep it?
Funny thing about this is: we'll never know if we were wrong in not believing.
Posted by: Ang | January 15, 2009 at 06:00 PM
I don't have that channel so unfortunately I don't know what they were talking about but I don't rule anything out. It's a possibility that the world will end in 2012 and of course there's a possibility it own't. You've got me curious now. I'll have to look into this.
Posted by: Dana Leigh | January 15, 2009 at 09:50 PM
From what I understand The BIG event that has been predicted on Dec 21, 2012
is that on that date the SUN is supposed to be aligned to the complete
center of the Galaxy which is supposed to cause the gravity of the Poles to
switch, causing major problems on the planet. I guess we will see.
Posted by: Kristi S (sweetsauer) | January 16, 2009 at 09:11 AM