So, I am curious. It seems like a lot of women I know talk to their mothers on the phone on a regular basis. I am totally NOT a phone person, so I am not exactly sure what "regular basis" means, but I guess I am thinking once per week? I also know several women who talk to their mom on the phone every single day. Whoa! What could you possibly have to talk about every day??
Neither my mom or I are phone people, so we rarely talk on the phone. I am not sure if this is learned or genetic, because my Gram isn't a phone person either. My mom believes in privacy. She also feels there is no need to discuss boring everyday details such as the weather or what we each ate for dinner last night. I am pretty sure she does not read my blog either. When we are in person we talk about all sorts of things and it seems more special. I love her very much and think she is an amazing woman.
Now my questions for the day:
How often do you talk to your mom? Has this amount of time increased since having kids or have you always talked to your mother on a regular basis? Do you tell your mom everything? Do you consider her a close friend? Have you always been close to your mom or has it changed as you became an adult?
Other TFT posts this week:
My mom and I are not phone people either! If we talk on the phone it is get to the point and thats it! We do alot more e-mailing than talking on the phone. My mom and I are VERY close, we are great friends we share a sense of style choice,color choice etc. And end up laughing to a point of "I can't breath or I am going to pee my pants" everytime we are together. I love my mom to death. I do share alot of info with mom and have always been close to her gowing up.
Posted by: denise | April 23, 2009 at 10:18 AM
I talk to my Mom every single day. BUT it wasn't always like that. Before I got pregnant we would go months without talking. When I got pregnant we would talk maybe once a week and since I had Jake it is now daily. It helps that my Mom is into to texting. We we don't talk in person or on the phone we text each other. I also didn't really talk to my older Sister and now that I am a Mom her and I talk daily also.
Posted by: Kim | April 23, 2009 at 10:40 AM
we don't talk every day, but most every day. either email or phone...usually the longest we'd go would be 3 days probably. i also try and visit them (mom + stepdad) once a week, but that doesn't always happen.
as a single mom my entire life (9 months old until i was 23) we are very close...but she's my mom and not my best friend. i don't believe the two mesh well. and i definitely do not tell my mom everything...specifically in regards to my love/dating live - that's what my girlfriends are for! :)
Posted by: sarah | April 23, 2009 at 11:04 AM
I talk to my mom every day, several times a day. I always have though. The same goes for my sister. I'm not sure if we were raised that way or what but I know my mom talks to her mom almost daily as well as her sister. I also talk to my grandma and aunt weekly. I've always thought you guys were weird cause you all never talk to each other. But, we are all diff!
Posted by: Michelle Sauer | April 23, 2009 at 11:15 AM
Ohhh . . . this is a good one! I talk to my mom about 1/2 dozen times a day - almost always about kid stuff. Prior to kids and when we lived out-of-state I only talked to her a couple of times a week. I find it amusing, because I am SO NOT a phone person - I think the reason we talk so often is because she is alone in her office the majority of the day and because I need someone other than the kids to talk to! Nine times out of ten our conversations last less than 5 minutes. She only talks to her sister once-a-month, though I think they exchange a couple of e-mails a week. I never talk to my aunt, and talk to my grandmother MAYBE once or twice-a-year. Very interesting!
Posted by: Nicole | April 23, 2009 at 11:41 AM
i talk to my mom almost every single day. but if we go a day or two without talking, it's not that big of a deal. my sister is the same way. i've always talked to her on a regular basis, but since having max there is a little more to talk about! we've always been close and always gotten along great, although i don't tell her absolutely everything - i agree with the comment above that that is what girlfriends are for. :)
Posted by: kim | April 23, 2009 at 12:12 PM
Like Michelle, I talk with my mom a lot! At least twice a day and it was like that before Reyna. Well, maybe once a day then and twice or more now. We talk about the everyday boring stuff and stuff that is going on too. I consider her to be one of my very close friends. I don't know what the heck I would do w/out our daily phone calls.
Posted by: Leslie Collins | April 23, 2009 at 12:37 PM
I talk to my mom everyday during the week. On the phone...not so much, but we email everyday during the week. I don't talk to her every weekend, but I would bet every other. My mother and I are very close and we always have been. I do tell her quite a bit, not everything, but pretty close. Even though we have been close my entire life, I didn't always tell her everything that I do now. Could I ALWAYS talk to her about ANYTHING at ANY age? Absolutely!! Did I? Nope! It wasn't until I moved out that I really started telling her about most everything. :) I can say that I do consider my mother a very close friend. I love my mother and she is a major part of my life, she always will be. I couldn't imagine going even a week without talking with her. My sister talks to my mother everyday too.
I can say I wish I talked with my sister more and I could, I just don't pick up the phone enough and I need to get better about that.
You know, I am 33 years old, have a child of my own, live in my own house, and I will still call my mother in the morning if I am sick and staying home from work. LOL Not because I have to or anything, but I don't want her to worry when I don't email her from work. I'm just funny that way I guess. :)
Posted by: Julie | April 23, 2009 at 01:29 PM
My mom and I talk on the phone about once a week. But we email on pretty much a daily basis. And oh yes, she does read my blog:) I've always wondered what it is that people have to say to their moms (or to whomever it may be) that they are talking to multiple times a day on the phone. Guess that's why I'm not really a phone person!
Posted by: anne | April 23, 2009 at 01:56 PM
I talk to my mom 5 or 6 times a day. Yes everyday lol. We are veryyyyyyyyyyy close and I enjoy our relationship :-) I don't tell her EVERYTHING but some things I do sensor.
Posted by: adrienne | April 23, 2009 at 02:47 PM
We talk ever week or so, but it is usually for an hour or so. She does read my blog.
Posted by: Robyn | April 23, 2009 at 06:22 PM
I tend to talk to my mom once or twice a day. We IM a lot so a day doesn't usually go by without us communicating a few times. We've always been like that though once I moved out of the house. I consider her one of my closest friends! I can tell her anything; I don't always but if I wanted to I would. I think our relationship has gotten richer since I've become an adult. We have always been close but now there's just so much more.
Posted by: leslie | April 26, 2009 at 06:25 AM
I talk to my mom regularly -- when my boys were tiny and I was *really* an at-home mom with less contact with other people it was daily. Now we speak several times a week. We have always gotten along well (even through my teenage years) and she really is one of my best friends.
Posted by: Jennifer | April 27, 2009 at 10:44 AM
Cute blog! Found it through Kim. I live 2 min. from my Mom so that might affect my answer a wee bit. But anyway, we talk every day usually. It's definitely increased since I had my little man. We've always been close but there are things I tell my best friend and things I tell my Mom. I keep it PG with the Mom. Ah ha.
Posted by: Kristin | April 30, 2009 at 09:19 PM