Sports are a very big deal in the U.S., wouldn't you say? Football, Baseball, Basketball, Hockey, Boxing, Golf, Tennis, Soccer, etc. Billions of $$$$ are spent on sports every year. There are the die-hard fans who buy season tickets every year, no matter how their team is doing. These fans will support their teams even when the going gets tough. There are also the fans that love their team and watch every chance they can get, attending games a couple of times a year. There are also fans who will watch a few games here or there, but do not invest a lot into the teams or sports in general. And then there are the fair-weathered fans. These are the fans who only come out of the woodwork when the local team is doing hot, then they jump on the Bandwagon. Of course their are also people who couldn't care less about Sports.
Several members of my HUGE family are very BIG sports fans on both my mom and dad's sides, and my dad and brothers are also die-hard sports fans. Once upon a time I was a big fan also......
We'll start with the Twins. When my dad was the CEO of Schweigert Foods, we had incredible season tickets for the Twins, front row on 1st base. I attended a ton of games as a kid, including the winning World Series Game 7 in both 1987 and 1991 when the Minnesota Twins won the World Series. I was a huge fan of the Twins back in the days of Kirby Puckett, Kent Hrbek, Gary Gaetti, Dan Gladden, etc. When Kirby retired due to his health, I pretty much quit following the Twins. I was deeply saddened when Kirby past away a few years ago.
I was also a HUGE Minnesota North Stars fan. Mike Modano and Curt Giles were my GUYS!! We also had season tickets to the Stars and I was fortunate to attend several playoff and Stanley Cup finals games. Then stupid Norm Green moved the team to Dallas. 10 years later or so, the NHL came back to MN with a new team, the Wild. I made a conscious decision not to invest emotionally in the new team. I haven't followed hockey at all since.
I was also a huge Vikings fan back in the day and during the 1998 season (when we went 15-1) I had high hopes that they would go to the Superbowl and WIN. My heart broke in January 1999 when we lost that chance during the NFC Championship when we lost 27-30 to Atlanta. At that point I realized that I could no longer let the Vikings dominate my emotions. It just wasn't worth it. I quit watching the Vikings and have only watched a few games here and there ever since. Too me, football is all about socializing- I will cheer for the home team but I will not invest any emotion into it. And here I fooled my blogging buddyHelmet into believing I was a huge Vikings fan....he even gave me an award because of it!!! Ha!
Basketball is a different story. I love to watch it!! The Timberwolves were my team since the very first game they ever played.... I was lucky enough to attend their inaugural game in 1989 against the Chicago Bulls and Michael Jordon (courtside!). We had season tickets to the Twolves also, and then when Kevin Garnett joined the team in 1995, I was super excited to see where the team would go. I remained very loyal to the Twolves and especially to Kevin Garnett, who would become an incredible Superstar. My loyalty still remains with KG, even though he was traded last year to the Celtics, so I became a Celtics fan overnight. I was beyond ecstatic when the Celtics won the NBA Championship last year because I so badly wanted to see my man win! I still like the Twolves and hope they get better, but will continue to support them in the mean time.
As sad as it is to some, I now consider myself a fair-weather fan. I have very little emotional attachment to the teams or players (with few exceptions). I would be very happy if any of them had successful years, and I will admit I am the bandwagon type and would probably only show major support in the event that they make it into the playoffs.
Wow, I guess I had no idea where this post was going when I started it, but my questions for you today are:
What type of sports fan do you consider yourself? Who are your favorite teams to root for?
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